Just so you know, I’ve been battle with myself on whether to post about my book haul or the book that I planned to read, since I havent plan any yet so why not for haul?
I’m pretty sure I have said to myself about going on book ban month, but guess I forgot all about it and yet, by the end of Feb I discovered i had bought 10 books (while expecting three more books from the courier) – its tough isnt it? To battle with the nafs of buying more books than you need. Hurgh, I should plan well for this March cause I’m on a very tight budget well obviously I’m currently jobless (see why here).
On my trip to BookXcess +3
How Women Decide | What’s True, What’s Not, and Why it Matters by Therese Huston
Blurb: So why, then, does a real gap arise after the decision is made? Why are we quick to question a woman’s decisions but inclined to accept a man’s? And why is a man’s reputation as a smart decision-maker cemented after one big call, but a woman is expected to prove herself again and again?
Confessions of a Ghostwriter by Andrew Crofts
Blurb: A fascinating insight into the world of a ghostwriter. From glamour models to diplomats, Andrew Crofts has worked with an array of interesting characters. These are his confessions.
Under New Management by David Burkus
Blurb : A provocative work that challenges the traditional and widely accepted principles of business management — and proves that they are outdated, outmoded, or simply don’t work.
There goes several days when one day while scrolling upon my fb, ImanShoppe make a pre order on Menggapai Bintang boxes for as low as RM40 (including postage to sabah) at that time. I want the book so much because of its prettiness and so hence, here it is 😀
Menggapai Bintang by Ustaz Syaari Ab Rahman
Brurb (translated) : Ustaz Syaari invites us to recite the Quran in depth while pondering upon the shared story. He then invites us to understand the story so that we can practices it in our daily lives. That’s how it reaches the star. The story in the Qur’an is the extension of life, giving a wonderful instruction. Make it a constant guide endlessly to the end of our lives.
I hated myself whenever I visit my local bookstore, cause you never know what will follow you back home.
The NLP Professional by Karin Moxom
Blurb : This book will question some of the current practices in the field, and challenge whether these are ultimately useful if the desired outcome is to raise the profile of NLP and create a profession which has credibility, respect and recognition, and can stand proudly alongside other helping professions.
Not in The Stars
What is the link between Mui and Justin? Why does she seem strangely familiar to him? And will she manage to free him from the past, and also release herself from the secrets that threaten to ruin her chance for happiness?
Projek Bibliofil by Zahrah Yunos
Basically a blueprint to make your reading more extreme 😛
Aku Mahu Membaca 1000 Tahun Lagi by Iman Danial Hakim
Is there a human being who wants to read 1000 years? Maybe that man is us after reading this inspired script. Impossible? Reading is immortality.
Kertas-kertas Yang Merubah Fikir
So small questions were initially, eventually forming the appearance of this book. A group of background friends at the Goodreads Malaysia forum who both love the book, have dropped their “reading” experience on paper. Many of them have ever produced much larger works, and are so happy to be able to contribute their own thoughts to this simple book.
And another three more books from ImanShoppe.com, but the postage was so pricey, hate to say, but there goes my money fly.
I’ve got another book on its way, but lets safe it for later key?
Me : Asyik update pasal book haul jer, nak bacanya bila? 😛
Q : What is the maximum amount of books haul you ever do?