Hello there dear readers, may you all have a good weekend. Weekend for me is always a good time to roundup my whole week, I usually have so much ideas cramped in my head and I only have one day to convert it all into writings. Unfortunately dear readers, though I have not yet named or claimed any weekend post as a series but usually Sunday I’ll post a bullet update on what actually happen in my life at the moment, and of course I am that kind of blogger who enjoy this sort of things despite the formality of my niche updated. Lets save that on next week.
❥ I think I just underestimated a book
I am actually that kind of girl who bought her book from recommendation and ratings of other, or actually im not. XD I can be both depends on time being btw. Frankly, I have read reviews of Firebird #1 on Goodreads after bought the whole series (I’ve blinded by Popular promotion of the series, drolling from the price drop). I am actually frustrated when I know it will actually a love story and got this dilemma whether to read it or to ditch it.
Only to found out im totally wrong when I decided to read it after Aristokra. It was just a superb book written like the usual book I prefer to read. That casual and contemporary writing style, exclude the less humor but it was really a light book to read. It was a science fiction and I dont have to recall all the formula I study on secondary school, except that quantum thingy.
I have this habit of eating a frozen Kak Kiah’s chicken pie. Am I too lazy to heat it I seriously dont know the reason. 😛 |
❥ The Strike Series are coming to life!
Just this morning, I headed myself to Robert Galbraith websites to check if there is another upcoming cormoran strike adventures only to found the books will be adapted into a life series! I am totally excited and spending 30 minutes alternately explained to my mom about RG and digging behind the scene news on twitter.
First look at Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger as Strike and Robin in #TheStrikeSeries pic.twitter.com/sSLYFp1vzw— Robert Galbraith (@RGalbraith) November 14, 2016
They were just like the duo that I imagined them to be. Oh guys this gonna be huge and awesome! I keep blabbering about cormoran strikes series and I’m totally miss to read them. Head [here] if you havent got a clue on what am I talking about. To be short, Cormoran Strike series is about solving high profile mystery and Robert Galbraith were actually J.K Rowling pseudonym. How cool is that? My heart beating excitedly fast just by writing this.
❥ Getting to know about a book blogger life
Slowly, brick by brick. Patients is everything. As I’m getting my niche into a book blogger life, so I began to compile about bookish stuff on Pinterest. Feel free to save or pinned whatever cool kids say nowadays about the board.
I just love the idea to read more. My insurance agent once tell me, that they were a major different between a person with knowledge and a person without knowledge. I strive myself to be better on my writing tho and hence delivering more informative benefits towards my reader. 🙂
❥ My 2017 Resolution so far
Getting healthy and fit – My dad just bought a treadmill for himself and along with the purchase he got a tricyle machine which he put on our living room. That’s gonna be my cue. XD
Book Reading Challenge – I’m struggling to finish a non fiction book today because its just have less than 100 pages. Not to mentioned I have one book behind schedule. 😀 Its okay, slowly and gradually I’ll catch my momentum. Sometimes I just need to thank myself for being so positive. 😉
Collaboration – I’m thinking of doing collaboration with fellow blogger, some had publicly offering guest post on their blog so I wont missed that chance. So this week I may work with some ideas I have in mind to create a simple but informative post for the collaboration. (I’m just getting used with this)
Beauty – Hmm this wasnt actually pinned on my resolution but I have my own way in maintaining that girl side of me. And maybe I’ll share a bit on my blog later, its gonna be awkward because I’m not fond into beauty thingy before, but now I love it as much I love to be healthier. Is it me or anyone ever think that beauty = healthy? :3
Who fond to have a collaboration with me? Hehe.