“That” type of customer.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Alhamdulillah sebab survive these days. Months of everything goes tough both economically and mentally. 🙂

So, what’ll you do bila ada sorang customer ni push anda dapatkan harga rendah WALAUPUN harga yang anda bagi sudah rendah?

Then, I have this one customer, and after the dealing complete. I have this guilty feeling both to my customer and boss. Halnya ialah, I cant give this customer the proper harga coz I dont remember bila dia datang to me and me bagi sebut sekian sekian (for a large kuantiti), and dia tuntut balik harga yang sedemikian. Secondly, price yang aku bagi is way too lower from what it supposed to be. Oh, even the guilt feel still tebal while me typing this. So I hope this post can bring extra benefits and cautions to all seller out there. 

After a long thoughts I can conclude that;

1. Sediakan senarai harga untuk rujukan terutamanya yang anda tidak tahu nak bagi harga (me kerja di kedai t-shirt so the price can be flexible according to quantities and artwork size). Dengan harga guidelines ni kita boleh tetapkan how high is high and how low is low atau ringkasnya LIMIT. 
2. Set your LIMIT and STICK with it – Bila customer minta harga rendah “Alaa, bolehlah rendah, kitaorang nak print kecik jer..”. Pastikan sahaja yang penting kita cover nilai model kita anda JANGAN abaikan profit gain kita. You see, bila anda bekerja di sebuah company, you bukan bekerja untuk diri you seja, you kerja for the whole and every person in that company. YOUR RENT, GAJI PEKERJA YOU, STOK BARANG PRODUCTION etc. siapa nak bayar when you neglecting the PROFIT gain?? Jadi pastikan nilai modal cover, that is why set your limit. Kadang-kadang customer pun tak tahu yang harga dorang minta tu TERSANGAT RENDAH. Jadi SABAR and layan like a boss. 
P/s : Senarai harga yang siap bertulis is quite handy. As a proof to customer yang harga ni dah official, cannot go lower than that. 
3. Sebut harga yang sudah deal tak boleh tarik balik. But remember this, YOU HAVE THE POWER OF YOUR PRODUCT. Bagi EXACTLY what the customer ask with a lil bit of logic. Bertindak ikut kemampuan, sesuai dengan harga yang you bagi DAN yang dia nak. If kecil, then bagi kecil. (Yalah tu dah modal yang dia bagi, so kita pun buat dgn bajet yang kita ada). 
Teringat sorang member photog – a professional, ada client minta ambil fotografi tapi dia sanggup bayar dengan harga RM500 sahaja, cover nikah, sanding and outdoor. Gambar nnt tak payah edit, burn jer dalam DVD. Last2 dia pg majlis walimah client tu bawa kamera compact not a DSLR. Habis client tu marah dia slamber ja cakap “Dah kata nak harga RM500, so I bagi lah servis harga RM500”. Mainstream betul member ni. But to be honest, logic la tu. Ask yourself ni : How can a photographer with DSLR survive with RM500 services? If he/she include nikah, sanding, outdoor, fully edited pictures and DVD? *well of course when u are new to the field, rm500 kindof bolehlah, just dont tell others u give that price, huhu*
Dan beberapa hal lain yang banyak aku pelajari minggu ni selain bila kita deal harga, stick to that price. 
Customer : RM39? Tak boleh lagi murah ke? RM35 ke?
Me after bincang with big boss : Boleh lah RM35
Since this customer ada complication with previous order me tawarkan dia harga baju brand lain dengan harga lebih rendah iaitu RM33 —- > This one is a BIG NO NO, Sebab pertama, you dah tetapkan RM35 from RM39, huge different is RM4! Margin you dah kurang, jangan di-kurangi lagi dong. 
P/s : Actually, peniaga bukan untung sangat pun dari harga yang dia bagi, cukup-cukup d hujung tanduk je nak cover overhead sebulan. Jangan bikin lingkup peniaga melayu sudah. Maybe next time aku akan tulis dari kaca mata seorang customer to balance that demanding price area. 
Bisnes antara manusia ni simple jer, you bayar MASA yang dia ada untuk BUAT apa yang anda TAK TAHU buat. Have a little respect in demanding price. Cheers. 
Dari kaca mata seller yg berhati lara.
Semoga Yang Maha Esa Redha. 