Assalamualaikum wbt,
Review ku untuk buku yang pertama bleh baca disini. So review kedua, aku buat terus untuk ketiga-tiga buku ini keseluruhannya. Memandangkan aku mengambil masa lima hari baca buku kedua dan ketiga so aku akan buat review lain sikit, lebih kepada what I like and what I dont. Well, sejujurnya, I like the story tho endingnya aku tak berapa nak setuju sebab im sexpecting more than a typical malay horror stories ending, but mostly I enjoyed it to the end, but not the end. Lols.
Lets start with the best part of these books. Mehehe.
1. Aku suka buku kedua bila ianya dikaitkan dengan sci-fi. Thats apa benda yang terjadi ada sebab logik, such that a mad scientist wanna do the world a better place but make it worst instead.
2. Aku suka hubungan Kemboja dan Atif. Hopefully a better future and happy ending for them both on the next novel perhaps? Lols, ka aku blum baca semua novel IFI ni? Will do then. Challenge accepted *no, imma talking to myself so dont bother”.
3. Its good to know that Munir character was destroyed completely in the most out-of-box or shud I say legend way ever and thumbs up for that. I never like Munir character anyway. I like Azhan Zakwan more. Haha.
4. Kemusykilan. Bila Sura is Adib’s mother, and Adib claimed that his mother always come and play with him, then masa kat rumah yang time mereka mendengar suara lullaby tu.. kan Adib ada ckp masa dia terjun kat katil Sura and Munir yg “Mak tak suruh buka pintu, bahaya”. And ada part Sura tanya Adib, jadi kat bawah tu Anom? But Adib geleng kepala. Then yang dibawah tu turn out to be Pohon, then who is “Anom” yg selalu lawat Adib and tell Adib “jangan buka pintu, bahaya”. Sbb ya I know Sura menggeleng, tapi time tu Adib tak tahu Sura is his mother. So, ada kemusykilan disitu.
5. Part masa Munir kat Balai Polis at KK, “Nda ada apa bah” maybe not a suitable ayat. Hehehe. As a Sabahan I will rather say “Teda apa-apa pun” Yup, that is how we pronounce “tiada”. Especially yang lidah baku macam saya. Haha
6. Thank you for awesome books, walaupun ending dia ndak berapa best. But yeah memang saya enjoying it so much. Sampai kadang-kadang terbawa-bawa dalam mimpi. But I think its just optical illusion. Hehe.
Banyak lagi nak tulis sebenarnya, tapi nanti jadi spoiler. Haha, So itu sahaja untuk kali ini.
Thank you kak Ismi. Nanti nak beli novel kaka lagi. Sorry for the broken english everywhere.
Rating 4/5.
Highly recommend.