Feel like wanna write something.
Like a hole in my heart. “
Well, that a quote a friend of mine used to said when she referring to someone she missed a lot. So yeah, obviously I’m feeling it right now. Or maybe just a feeling of mine because I’m not preparing for my final year project yet (and here I’m again writing blog instead of FYP-ing). Typical university student. @_@
Stumbled upon Zendela doodle di WeLoveArt. Terasa ingin mempelajarinya pula. Ngee. Image credits here. |
This evening, masa jenguk2 d tb crita2 best. Then jumpalah ni crita tajuk The Vow. Seriously bikin nangis, bikin lemah jantung melihat cerita ini. Sampai berkaca-kaca bha mata tinguk depan tb. Nasib ai solo2 kat rumah kalau ndak sudah kena kasi ketawa oleh daddy sa. So The Vow berkenaan crita isteri hilang ingatan dan suami trying to win her heart again.
Its like to repeat one best moment in your life. To meet you, at this exact moment.
Yeapp! Memory really is a miracle things happens in life. Memory keep us for who we are now <3 I’m happy and grateful Allah gave me these memories. 🙂
And then this night, again. Getting through with a bunch of stories about wedding and engagement! Damn. Ai pun nak juga. Haha. But yeah I know semua tu perlukan masa. Its not that I tidak faham keadaan sekarang ni. But teringin.. Yes still merasai. Bersediaka? Satu soalan yang menggerunkan dan I admit belum ada jawapan utk pertanyaan itu.
BTW, nikmati dulu zaman bujang. Haha. Ayat bikin geramss. Sampai masanya tu tiba juga hari yang ditunggu. The right person will always comes at the right time. May Allah blessed us all.
Okay. Fullstop.
Sesungguhnya hati sedang merindu. Pada siapa? Tepuk dada, tanyalah hati. 🙂
BTW 2, sesungguhnya crita After Earth related to survival in this present world. Your life depending on what you chose. :3