Of Blog and Sore Eyes.


Hello again peeps, lately i’m spending a little time to work on some post ideas, and renovating my blog. If i’m not doing that, i’ll be playing games perhaps! Yay! I just finished my main mission on Darksiders 2. It’s a good game thought, it makes you addicted, but also pissed you off. But still, nice story line. 

Play like a boss huh? LOL.
So after this and that on these past weeks, today, I decide to update my blog. And also on the past days before,  I decided to join Instagram. Because, because.. tiada sebab munasabah, maybe sebab pengaruh kawan kot. Wakaka, by the way, the reason is to add some spices on my blog with what am I doin. Come onnn, people likes pictures right? LOL, so before joining Instagram itself, I googles widget that let me to display my pictures on my blog. Then, I found this SnapWidget

Jadi, kalau kamu urang rasa macam mau display2 gambar instagram kamu d blog, beta recommend kan ini benda. Easy, quick and interface yg lawa! 🙂

Me also used on my profile intro page~ check it out. 🙂

BTW, korang dah tengok video ni? Annoying okey~! –“

Found on youtube. I think you should watch the parody. Cuma hiburan semata-mata. 😛