Another evening for the opening week of 2012.


Today i’m in a good mood. Well yeah.. how should i say.. XD. Sepatutnya petang ne aku pulang saaana asrama, tapi aku pujuk bapa aku (ketara anak manja, ciss) mintak antr besok awal pagi. Nak tau kenapa? Sebab hari ne hari ahad, and i’m in a very good mood, (maka senyum sendiri depan komputer). Maybe all b’coz of this song, only maybe lah, not true 100%~

Oleh kerana hari ne mood aku baik, aku just mau story about this song above your screen lah. You can just press play button above, watch the magic come alive! ~ damn, not magic lah, only the video will playback. Ngee.. About this song, it resembles me a lot, am I?~ XD

As you can hear (are you hearing this song right now?), lagu ne dimainkan masa Timothy wat proposal sama fiancee dia and also the BGM for vid which Dena pun kena proposed. I admitted that the lyrics was so wonderful dan banyak makna tersirat. Isn’t it wonderful to fall in love? Cough*

Sengaja nak letak~ aku edit jd lomography. hee

And yet, another wonderful evening on my room. Kenapalah nostalgic betul waktu petang begini. Lagi satu pasal lagu tuh kan. Official lyrics video dia memang wonderful lah, semua perkara nostalgic, background in the evening.. make my mood today sway.. Okey sebelum aku lebih merapu.. bagus aku away lah ulu. Sorry english aku banyak parak, terpengaruh dengan blog seseorang. Ngehe. 

Its 2012! And i’m still not ready, but good news~ I have cover my study for next examination. Ahhh, damn i love this good mood so much. Ahh, again its 2012, i think i’m gonna prepare new concept for my blogs, need to arrange it more, cause on this 14th Jan~22th Feb i’ll be free all day long. ^^ Chuwa~