Assalamualaikum wbt
Sewaktu kecil I had this vision, when I grow up or at least masuk U lah kunun, aku akan dapat jumpa insan-insan hebat. Contohnya macam pensyarah-pensyarah U. To think of, mereka ni bukan senang nak jadi pensyarah, ada yang tahap Dr, Prof bagai, lagi banyaklah yang mereka lalui. And I hope when I have the chance to meet them I can dig out all the ilm within them. Lols, Silly me.
Well now, after grad, aku ndak pasti yg my-so-called visi tu tercapai ka tidak. Tho I know yang some of them are half pensyarah half photographer, half pensyarah half business person, half pensyarah half ahli politik and etc. But in the end yang paling aku kagumi, if that pensyarah, half pensyarah, half mother and forever pendakwah.
Thats make me realize, to be a pendakwah, you can be anyone, tak perlu la kot mau tinggalkan pekerjaan just to be a pendakwah. Sebab Islam is applicable in daily life and in our habit. So as work is part of our life, then just make the used of it for our ibadah. Kan inna solati wa nusuki wa ma yahya wa ma mati lillahirabbil alamin. (Seseungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku dan matiku kerana Allah Taala).
Oh ya, berkenaan tajuk. Aku baru jumpa this term lately, and i’ve meet a person who been pointed and known with Think Tanker (TT). The TT jobs is kind of mastermind really, Alhamdulillah diberi peluang untuk melihat kelebihan mastermind ni in certain places, walaupun tidaklah sehebat cerita Now You See Me, but yup in my mind yang serba belum cukup pengetahuan ni, TT is important dalam era yang serba mencabar ini.
The TT will determine your final job is good to go/apply/use and so on. They have the ability to smell any problem from any edges of the job (and correct it) and even can manipulate it into chances. Its not hard actually to be a TT, you just need a lots of reading and research, like we do in Final Year Project (lols, my FYP tunggang langgang but its a good experience tho).
But do this Think Tank’s matter?
I dont know yet, but I will know soon. Haha.
So, i just called this post as pre-think tanker post. 😛 kbai. Saja mo test power menulis blog setelah setahun tak update. Btw, I love white. And its makes me hungry.